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Dobson School Senior Class Photograph from the 1940 Yearbook



photograph of Senior Class pictures, Dobson School, 1940, colors - green and white, flower - rose, 1st Row - Top - Sam Key (has good grades, good looks and a good personality, Bus Driver), Claude Kidd "Hands Me" (interests are many and his abilities not a few, Secretary Beta Club, Secretary of County Council 4-H Club, President 4-H Club, Debating, Two Medals in 4-H, Wittiest), Lenore Kidd (is a nightingale when it comes to singing, her friendly ways have won her many friends, Sewing, Vice president of Class, President of Class, Secretary of Class), Graham Lawrence (ready wit and joke for every occasion has made smiles of our would be frowns, Bus Driver), 2nd row - Delia Long "Gig" (is a good student and pal, wherever she is there is fun, for her infectious giggle cannot be resisted, best all round girl, staff of Dobsonian, basketball, track, debating, president of public speaking club, cheer leader), Dorothy Marion (is rather calm and quiet but is a loyal friend, staff of Dobsonian), Dorothy Marsh (is loyal in work and sincere in friendship, staff of Dobsonian, Beta Club), Carl Marsh (always has a big smile, mimeograph operator of the Staff of the Dobsonian), 3rf row - Roland Marsh "Rol" (intelligence, dignity and quietness are qualities that will make his life a success, football, basketball), Joyce Martin (is a small blonde with a ready smile, she has won a place in the hearts of all), Leslie Myers "Les" (ranks high in constellation of Dobson stars, Marshall, Basketball, Treasurer of Beta Club, Rep. F.F.A., President of Class, Debating, Football, Student Council), Agnes Perry (is modest, sincere and dependable, once we make friends with Agnes we have a true and lasting pal), 4th row - Yvonne Lee Reich (speaks little but when she says something, it is worth listening to), Frances Sellars "Butch" (moved from our midst but she left a warm place in our hearts, Beta Club, Basketball, President of Class), Evelyn Simmons (does well in all that she undertakes in school or out, Secretary of French Club, Beta Club), Martha Simpson (is a friend to all but has a weakness for a certain young man), 5th row - Warren Snow "Dry Foot" (is a good scholar but we never see him with a book, Football, Monitor, Track), Loree White (has been an efficient secretary, always with a lovely smile, Secretary of Class), Roy White "Mitt" (enjoys the present, but prepares himself for the future, football), Sandy White "Bum" (is a good sport, he can give a joke and take one, Treasurer of F.F.A.), 6th row - Billy White "Bill" (is not all brawn and no brain as some athletes, but has a natural ability that has carried him over, Beta Club, Football, Basketball, Staff Pager, Dramatic Club), Alvin Williamson (has not been one to seek the spot light but is a silent and diligent worker, he has won many friends), Howard Wilmoth "Dick" (is a very likeable chap and an excellent basketball player, Best Athlete, Basketball, Helen Wooton "Bunt" (always does her work well and does it with a smile, Marshall, Beta Club, Not Pictured - Alvin Blue "Abner" (in athletics and dramatics he shines, but in classes his brilliance declines, Basketball, Football, Dramatics), John Blue (staunch and stalwart support has helped win several trophies, Captain Football, Best Athlete, Handsomeist Boy), Frankie Cave (is faithful and sincere to duty, Gong Ringer), Odelle Payne (is thoughtful, friendly and dependable, she is just the kind of girl to win friends)


Frank Kelly Brintle






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