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Surry County Schools

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  • Flat Rock School

    photograph of Flat Rock School
  • Newsletter for the Surry County Schools 1984

    1984 Newsletter for Surry County Schools
  • Surry County District 5 Public School Register

    Surry County District 5 Public School Register, probably from SHoals, NC dated 1906-1907. Miss Carrie E. Marion is listed as the teacher.
  • School Register from District No. 5, Surry County Schools

    School Register from District No. 5, Surry County Schools with records from November 1899 to February 1906
  • Ledger from Surry County District 8 School from 1885-1892

    Ledger from Surry County District 8 School from 1885-1892. The school was taught by Joseph Bryan Cockerham and was probably in Mountain Park or Lowgap.
  • photograph of students at Stony Ridge School

    photograph of students at Stony Ridge School in the Shoals Community in the 1930s
  • Little Vine School Students

    Photograph of students from Little Vine School taken in Fall of 1907.
  • Corinth School

    Photograph and information on Corinth School in Eldora Township of Surry County, NC
  • Black Schools in Surry County 1920-1966

    Historical analysis of African American schools in Surry County, NC from 1920-1966
  • Lettie Herring Edwards

    "Perhaps no person in Surry County, not even Superintendent John W. Comer himself, knows more about the inside working of the Surry County public schools than Mrs. Lettie Herring Edwards, the efficient secretary in the superintendent's office at Dobson. "Lettie", as she is familiarly known to many hundreds who visit the Surry educational headquarters, may almost be classed as a fixture there, for she has been in her present position for the past 12 years. During that time she has seen many changes and a tremendous growth in the Surry schools. Mrs. Edwards, a very remarkable woman in that she doesn't mind telling her age, said she was born in Mount Airy August 31, 1908, and has spent the greater portion of her life there. She was graduated from the Mount Airy High School and later graduated from Draughon's Business College in Winston-Salem. She first took up her present work as secretary to the superintendent of schools and clerk of the Surry county board of education in 1928, serving six years under former Superintendent E. S. Hendren and the past six years under Superintendent Comer. Mrs. Edwards, who makes her home with her father, J. F. Herring, in Mount Airy, is a member of the First Baptist Church in the Granite City. She said she has no particular hobby, although she gets much pleasure from reading, the radio and the movies in her spare time."
  • Minutes of the Surry Baptist Association (1960)

    Minutes of the Fifty Eighth Annual Session of the Surry Baptist Association, held at Welcome Baptist Church on October 20, 1960
  • 1959 NCEA Annual Banquet - Surry County Chapter North Carolina Education Association

    1959 Surry County Chapter of the NCEA Annual Public Relations Banquet held at Franklin High School Cafeteria on April 29, 1959.
  • 1947 Beulah High School boys basketball team photograph

    1947 Beulah High School boys basketball team photograph with Coach Glenn Robertson
  • Flat Rock School

    photograph of Flat Rock School - This is the remodeled Flat Rock School of 1907. This addition was to the front of the original one room rock school built years earlier. The following was printed on the back of this old photograph found in the office of North Carolina Granite Corporation: Few communities can boast of as handsome a school as the Flat Rock District School, situated two miles east of Mt. Airy, North Carolina. In 1907, when the county authorities decided to build a school at this place the plans provided by them did not meet with the approval of the parentage of the District, who voluntarily subscribed enough money to erect this beautiful and substantial building. Generations may come and go; the roof and sebsequent roofs may rot and fall; even the worn and much be-whittled benches may by many times replaced; but those sturdy walls of "MT. AIRY---THE WHITTEST GRANITE" will stand forever as an endearing monument to the intelligence and foresightedness of those builders, who, while they were building, built once and forever. Inmcidentally, the workmanship displayed in the construction of these walls is worthy of all praise. It was indeed a labor of love, and as in all things where the children of a community claim the love and interest of their parents, the result is never in doubt. One and Two-Man Rubble from the quarries of The North Carolina Granite Corporation, of Mt. Airy, North Carolina.
  • Paynetown School

    Paynetown School / Paynetown Holliness Church, Paynetown School is located on Paynetown Hill just about 200 yards from Paynetown Road. It was built by the state during 1919-1920. This school was used regularly as a grammar school until 1965, when it was closed. Shortly afterwards it was sold to be used as a church. Paynetown Holliness Church - Paynetown Church began with services in the homes of members and was organized as a church under a cherry tree at the house of a member. They built the church which is now Payntown Chapel and after a few years consolidated the two congregations together. After Payntown School was closed in 1965 the trustees purchased the school building and land from the county for $710. Pastors of the church have been Gertrude Craven, Joe B. Brim, and Clarence Minor. It is a nice little church on a hill overlooking the Flat Rock community. Their average attendance is about 25, and services are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
  • Flat Rock High School

    photograph of Flat Rock High School 1927, This picture was the first High School students at the new Flat Rock High School. Many of them transferred from Mt. Airy. First row - left to right - Kneeling - Lacy Sutphen, Coy Midkiff, Jimmy Hiatt, Sherman Anderson, Second row - Bruce Gwyn, Virginia Jones, Ada Shelton, Mary Lee Durham, Pearl Hiatt, Maude Vaughn, Margie Stanley, Bessie Sutphin, Terry Beamer (teacher), Mr. Cubbage (teacher), Third row - Flossie Vaughn, Alene Ward, Zela Slate Grace Vaughn, Essie Hemmings, Nan Deatherage, Margie Vaughn, Nell Stanley, Bessie Love, Ramey Vaughn, Harvey Vaughn
  • Dobson School Faculty Photograph from the 1940 Yearbook

    photograph of Faculty, Dobson School, 1940, colors - green and white, flower - rose, 1st Row - Top - Elizabeth Norman (Dobson, NC, 6th Grade), Joe B. Cox B.S. (Mouth of Wilson, VA, Elementary Principal), Mrs. D.T. Sparger (Dobson, NC, 6th Grade), 2nd row - Mrs. John Llewellyn (Dobson, NC, 5th Grade), Lorene Perkins (Nathans Creek, NC, 5th Grade), Emma Comer (Dobson, NC, 4th Grade), 3rd row - Mrs. F.F. Riggs (Dobson, NC, 4th Grade), Mrs. Joe Folger (Dobson, NC, 3rd Grade), Mrs. W.B. Stone (Dobson, NC, 3rd Grade), 4th row - Mrs. R.W. Alderman B.S. (Dobson, NC, 2nd Grade), Mrs. P.G. Bolich (Dobson, NC, 2nd Grade), Mrs. Daisy Richards (Dobson, NC, 2nd Grade), 5th row - Mrs. C.F. Hassler (Dobson, NC, 1st Grade), Edythe Reece (Dobson, NC, 1st Grade), Mrs. Howard Snow (Dobson, NC, 1st Grade)
  • Dobson School Faculty Photograph from the 1940 Yearbook

    photograph of the Faculty, Dobson School, 1940, colors - green and white, flower - rose, 1st Row - Top - Rachel Howell B.S. (Hamlet, NC, Commercial), C. M. Forrest B.S. (Dobson, NC, Principal), Beatrice Holbrook A.B. (Traphill, NC, Latin - French), 2nd row - Mrs. W.E. Hancock A.B. (Dobson, NC, Mathematics), J.O. Young B.S. (Bakersville, NC, History - English), Jennie Martin B.S. (Statesville, NC, English - Public Speaking), 3rd row - B.M. Troutman A.B. (Dobson, NC, Science - Coach), George Williams B.S. (Dobson, NC, Trade and Industries), W.B. White B.S., M.S., (Dobson, NC, Agriculture), 4th row - Mrs. Clara Freeman B.S. (Dobson, NC, Home Economics), Routh Dixon B.S. (Rocky Mount, NC, Physical Education), Mrs. Rebecca Little B.S. (Dobson, NC, Public School Music), 5th row - Bessie Marion (Mt. Airy, NC, Secretary), Lillian Johnson (Ararat, NC, Librarian), Mrs. Robert Freeman A.B. (Dobson, NC, 7th Grade),
  • Dobson School Senior Class Photograph from the 1940 Yearbook

    photograph of Senior Class pictures, Dobson School, 1940, colors - green and white, flower - rose, 1st Row - Top - Sam Key (has good grades, good looks and a good personality, Bus Driver), Claude Kidd "Hands Me" (interests are many and his abilities not a few, Secretary Beta Club, Secretary of County Council 4-H Club, President 4-H Club, Debating, Two Medals in 4-H, Wittiest), Lenore Kidd (is a nightingale when it comes to singing, her friendly ways have won her many friends, Sewing, Vice president of Class, President of Class, Secretary of Class), Graham Lawrence (ready wit and joke for every occasion has made smiles of our would be frowns, Bus Driver), 2nd row - Delia Long "Gig" (is a good student and pal, wherever she is there is fun, for her infectious giggle cannot be resisted, best all round girl, staff of Dobsonian, basketball, track, debating, president of public speaking club, cheer leader), Dorothy Marion (is rather calm and quiet but is a loyal friend, staff of Dobsonian), Dorothy Marsh (is loyal in work and sincere in friendship, staff of Dobsonian, Beta Club), Carl Marsh (always has a big smile, mimeograph operator of the Staff of the Dobsonian), 3rf row - Roland Marsh "Rol" (intelligence, dignity and quietness are qualities that will make his life a success, football, basketball), Joyce Martin (is a small blonde with a ready smile, she has won a place in the hearts of all), Leslie Myers "Les" (ranks high in constellation of Dobson stars, Marshall, Basketball, Treasurer of Beta Club, Rep. F.F.A., President of Class, Debating, Football, Student Council), Agnes Perry (is modest, sincere and dependable, once we make friends with Agnes we have a true and lasting pal), 4th row - Yvonne Lee Reich (speaks little but when she says something, it is worth listening to), Frances Sellars "Butch" (moved from our midst but she left a warm place in our hearts, Beta Club, Basketball, President of Class), Evelyn Simmons (does well in all that she undertakes in school or out, Secretary of French Club, Beta Club), Martha Simpson (is a friend to all but has a weakness for a certain young man), 5th row - Warren Snow "Dry Foot" (is a good scholar but we never see him with a book, Football, Monitor, Track), Loree White (has been an efficient secretary, always with a lovely smile, Secretary of Class), Roy White "Mitt" (enjoys the present, but prepares himself for the future, football), Sandy White "Bum" (is a good sport, he can give a joke and take one, Treasurer of F.F.A.), 6th row - Billy White "Bill" (is not all brawn and no brain as some athletes, but has a natural ability that has carried him over, Beta Club, Football, Basketball, Staff Pager, Dramatic Club), Alvin Williamson (has not been one to seek the spot light but is a silent and diligent worker, he has won many friends), Howard Wilmoth "Dick" (is a very likeable chap and an excellent basketball player, Best Athlete, Basketball, Helen Wooton "Bunt" (always does her work well and does it with a smile, Marshall, Beta Club, Not Pictured - Alvin Blue "Abner" (in athletics and dramatics he shines, but in classes his brilliance declines, Basketball, Football, Dramatics), John Blue (staunch and stalwart support has helped win several trophies, Captain Football, Best Athlete, Handsomeist Boy), Frankie Cave (is faithful and sincere to duty, Gong Ringer), Odelle Payne (is thoughtful, friendly and dependable, she is just the kind of girl to win friends)
  • Dobson School Senior Class Photos from the 1940 Yearbook

    photograph of Senior Class pictures, Dobson School, 1940, colors - green and white, flower - rose, 1st Row - Top - Frank Kelly Brintle "Dick" (born 8-7-1923, died 3-26-1995) (is a natural born electrican if ever there was one, if he perseveres he will succeed, football), Ruth Brown "Polka Dot" (loves pranks and enjoys life as only a happy person can, Track Meet, Basketball, Patrol Leader of Scouts), Mary Elizabeth Bryant "Lib" (is friendly to all and considerate to others, Secretary of Glee Club, President of Scouts), Jesse V. Burch "Jesse" (is consistent, sincere and reliable and is loved by classmates and teachers, Vice president of Beta Club, Treasurer of Class, Vice president of Class, Secretary of Class, Chief Marshall, Most Studious Senior), 2nd row - Ernestine Callahan "Stene" (seems to have as motto "Laugh and the world laughs with you", basketball), Elna Coalson "Mop" (has made a record with her athletic ability and sportsmanship, basketball, Most Athletic Girl), Bessie Comer "Bet" (is a very likeable girl, friendly, jolly, and good natured, Student Council, Personality Contest, Secretary of Dramatic Club), Annie Laurie Dobbins (talks little, but when you hear her you may well depend upon what she says), 3rd row - Josephine Dockery "Jo" (is always in good humor and does all she can for school or class mates, Prettiest Girl, Medals in Canning), Irene Dockery "Dink" (is always optimistic and vivacious, loyal and studious, Sewing Medal), Thelma Eades (must be known to be appreciated, a true friend and dependable pal, Basketball), Noah Edwards (popularity is due to his magnetic personality, scholastic ability, and skill as an athletic, basketball, football, President of Beta Club, Debating, Secretary of 4-H Club and vice president of County Council, President of Student Council, Vice president F.F.A., Medal in oratory, Medal in 4-H Club, Best personality, 4th row - Billy Sam Folger "Push" (is so unassuming that one would not judge him to be a talented artist, he has never been known to worry, Art Editor of Dobsonian, Art Editor of Annual, Manager Athletics), Earlis Gillespie "Romeo" (is very quiet but friendly, he is liked by all, espically the girls), Marvin Hamlin "Runt" (will always be remembered by his pranks and mischievous smile, football, monitor), Geneva Hardy "Slipeasy" (charm lies not only in being a small blonde but also in having a mischievous twinkle in her eyes), 5th row - Pearle Hardy "Pearly Wearly" (is a laughing loving girl, tripping through life, taking its knocks, basketball), Virginia Harrell "Gennie" may not be a timid and demure as the lady with golden curls and blue eyes who danced the minuet, but we must remember that this is the twentieth century, Manager of Basketball team), John Henry Haynes "Jonnie" (has proved that his greatest asset is making friends, Marshall, Beta Club, Best All Round Boy, Football, Basketball, Vice president F.F.A., President F.F.A., Treasurer of Class, Magdalene Holt (is a good combination of seriousness and fun), 6th row - Daisy Hutchens (good nature, friendliness and seriousness make her the likeable girl that she is, Prize in Sewing, Editor of Dobsonian), Fern Hutchens "Pete" (is one of the few who are not afraid of hard work, Beta Club), Rachael Hutchens "Tootsie" (reminds us "That still waters run deep", Beta Club), Thomas Johnson (is a likeable and dependable boy, Bus Driver)
  • John W. Comer

    photograph of John W. Comer, Surry County Schools Superintendent, information out of the yearbook - The lot of an administrator is no easy one. It is the good fortune of Surry County and the Dobson School to have John W. Comer as County Superintendent. He has at all times the best interests of the schools at heart. In dealing with school problems his one guiding principle is the welfare of the students of Surry County as a whole and the welfare of the schools. Capable, firm yet fair, strong yet reasonable, he is openminded and progressive. Because of a sincere admiration and respect for him as an administrator, as a leader, and as a man, the 1940 Yearbook of the Dobson School is dedicated to Superintendent Comer.
  • Flat Rock High School 1945 Senior Class

    photograph of The 1945 senior class of Flat Rock High School, front row - left to right - Irene Mills, Goldie Smith, Florence Inman, Eloise Gammons, Ruth Puckett, Pauline Deatherage, 2nd row - A. P. Phillips (principal), Leo Hiatt, Dorothy Snoddy, Barbara Love, Catherine Belton, Treva Riddle, Katrina Adams, Maynard Hudgins, 3rd row - Winona Hiatt, June Mills, Raymond Haynes, Albert Hiatt, Wilburn Hiatt, Roger Hiatt, Helen White, Mary Elizabeth McBride
  • Pisgah School

    photograph of Pisgah School in the Cross Roads Community of Dobson Township. This small frame structure has windows down only one side and in more recent years was used as a store. The Pisgah School is the best remaining example of an early 20th century African American school in Surry County. It was named for a nearby church. Pisgah School originally stood further south on SR 1338. It was moved to its present location ca. 1940 and later converted to a store. Typical of county schools of its period, Pisgah School is a small frame structure with entrance on the gable end. Large sash windows line one side of the school, providing ample light while while allowing the other side to be used for a blackboard space.
  • Ivy Green School

    photograph of Ivy Green School, Stewart's Creek Township, note - children or students, Thomas Jefferson Jarrell "Tommy" went to this school, children sitting on the roof
  • Old Shoals School located where the Shoals Baptist Church currently is located

    photograph of old Shoals School, located where the Shoals Baptist Church is standing now, front row - left to right - Burford Caudle, Billie Hicks, Carl Scott, Sam Scott, Tobie McColum, Carl Hauser, back row - left to right - unknown, Thermer Atkins, Roger Jackson Nifong Westmoreland "Jack", Albert Butner, Raymond Harvey