Items related to Uptown Wine and Gallery in Yadkinville, NC. Only select items were digitized, the complete collection is available in the archives at the Surry Community College Library.
Minutes of the Sixty-Fifth Annual Session of the Yadkin Valley Missionary Baptist Association held with Mount Mariah Missionary Baptist Church on August 2,3 and 4, 1946
Minutes of the Fifty-Second Annual Session of the Yadkin Valley Missionary Baptist Association held with Mountain Valley Missionary Baptist Church on August 24, 25, and 26 1933
Minutes of the Fortieth Annual Session of the Yadkin Valley Missionary Baptist Association held with Damascus Missionary Baptist Church on August 25, 26, 27 and 28, 1921
Catalogue for the Jonesville Male and Female Academies, dated 1857-1858. Lists students of the school and their hometown, classes offered, and school policies and tuition