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Foot Prints In The Hollows

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  • Foot Prints in the Hollows

    Foot Prints in The Hollows or Surry County and Her People by William Franklin Carter, Jr., and Carrie Young Carter Table of Contents: Beginnings in Carolina John . Lederer, explorer The Indian .Nations First Settlers Frontier Life Wachovia The Rangers Anson and Rowan Counties Surry County First Courthouse - Gideon Wright's House Richmond Courthouse Committee: of Safety Provincial Congress Revolutionary War Battle of King's Mountain Battle of Guilford Courthouse Washington District and Wilkes County The· General Assembly Stokes County Rockford Courthouse, Surry County - 1790 Sketches of Revolutionary Leaders: Jesse Franklin Joseph Winston John Martin Joseph Williams William Dobson Lord Cornwallis Surry County 1789 - 1825 Andrew Jackson Members of General Assembly - 1825-1864 Education Richmond Hill Settlements: Siloam Stony Ridge and Shoals Fisher River East of the Foothills - Haystack South of the Yadkin - Jonesville Toms Creek- Pilot Mountain Westfield Elkin The Hollow - Mount Airy - with first settlers The Postal System Time - 1825-1889 Early Families and Businesses Mount Airy - a Summer Resort New Counties - Yadkin and ,Alleghany Dobson - History and First Residents War Between the States - 1861 ~ 1865 Surry County 1865- 1889 Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad Mount Airy, Incorporated Picture Collection- Northwestern .Regional Library,