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Graves Family

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  • Jennie Bitting Graves and friends photograph

    Jennie Bitting Graves and friends photograph
  • Jennie Bitting Graves and friends photograph

    Jennie Bitting Graves and friends photograph
  • Calvin Graves file

    Calvin Graves file
  • Joe B. Graves

    Joe B. Graves Board of Director for Workmen's Federal Savings and Loan Association
  • William Graves Foy in the Civil War

    William Graves Foy in the Civil War
  • B. Yancy Graves, 1st Mayor of Mount Airy

    B. Yancy Graves, 1st Mayor of Mount Airy, standing 2nd from right
  • W.F. Lovill, James Lovill, B.Y. Graves, W.S. Haynes

    W.F. Lovill, James Lovill, B.Y. Graves, W.S. Haynes and their hounds on the lawn of Wesleyan Methodist Church after fox hunting.
  • Marriage Bond for Solomon Graves and Francis Lewis

    Marriage Bond for Solomon Graves and Francis Lewis- 2/3 of original document probably from 1790. fragment of a matrimonial document, (If this is the marriage of Solomon Graves to Mary Cleveland Franklin, the date is 1817) Know all men by these presents that we..... (This side of the page torn off) All of the County of Caswell State of Nor... His Earthly. Alexander Martin Esq. Gover... pounds to be paid to the said Alex... To the which payment is well and truly... ???? and ???? ?????? ??????... Our seals and date this 2?th day of... The condition of this obligation is So... Solomon Graves hath the day of ... to be joined in Holy matrimony with... there shall be no ???full impediment... Francis ?Leevis? Should... matrimony then the above Oblig... remain in full force and effec... Signed Sealed and Delivered In presence of ?????????????
  • Biography of Jesse Franklin Graves

    Handwritten Biography of Jesse Franklin Graves. biography, (the writing is by an unknown author, 1 sheet folded so there are 4 writting pages, Jesse Franklin Graves was born in Surry County near its town of Mt. Airy August 31st 1829. His father Solomon Graves was an able lawyer, and his mother was a Miss Mary Cleveland Franklin, daughter of Governor Jesse Franklin who had served his country as United States senator and governor of North Carolina. His boyhood and early manhood were spent amid the tranquil scenes of country life, and here was implanted that deep love of nature and reverance for God, as revealed in the world about him, which was always, one of his marked characteristics. Graceful flowers and ??aving grasses sprang up at his feet, majestic forests crowned the hills, and the grand blue mountains encircled the homes in "the hollow," and from all these the thoughtful boy learned many lessons, not?taught? in the little country school house. Later he attended school in town, but he was to learn early in life the lesson of self reliance, for just as he was ready to enter college his father's comfortable property was engulfed by the misfortune of a friend. ?????ing a school he taught for some time and was thus enabled to enter Emory & Henry College, Virginia; and alternately imparting and receiving instruction he completed his college course. A few extracts from a book written about their time containing some ?ricepts? and rules of conduct for his own guidance, may aid in forming some estimate of the young man's character at the close of his college career. He had chosen the law as his profession but had not then entered a law school. In the first page of the book are written the ten commandments, then follow the precepts a few of which are quoted. 1. Never to deceive wilfully. 2. When I hear a person evilly spoken of to tell on proper occasions all his good traits and deeds. 3. To treat all with respect but to make none as friends until they are tried and found true. Be punctual in all things even in small matters. Be strict in adherence to truth and every virture, to oppose and denounce vice even when I must respect those who are guilty of it. Concluding he writes "I shall strive to perform these devine commands and wholesome precepts." Principles based upon immutable law formed a fitting foundation for the character of one who was to make the law his profession. He read law with Judge Pearson and was admitted to the bar in 1853. Of his public life we have given a brief picture, yet without a glimpse of the man in his home relations and among his friends. (The following was written and then crossed out - Married to Miss Mary ?E? Porter a true helpmate the picture would be incomplete). Happily marrried to Miss Mary E. Porter, daughter of Stephen Porter of Wythe County, Virginia, a true helpmate. Their home was almost an ideal one, and here was best revealed the nobility of his character. Chivalrous in his devotion to his wife, tender wise and loving in the guidance of his children, ?????? and hostpitable to his friends, he was the embodiment of a truly good man. Beneath his dignified bearing he prosessed a rare fund of (The following was written and then crossed out - fun and genial) humor and among his legal brethern ??? East, he was (The following was written and then crossed out - lovingly nick-named) familiarily know as "Uncle Remus". (The following was written and then crossed out - Among naturaly his closest friends were men of broad intellectualculture and prominent high standing, and from a friendship dating from else time when back were members of the governors council during the war. There were some men dear to him than the late Honorable General Davis of - W. Among) His chosen friends were men of broad intellectual culture, whose names were identified with the highest interests of the state (The following was written and then crossed out - and among them none were more highly esteemed than the late Honorable Davis of W.
  • Letter from William S. Ball to J.F. Graves

    Letter from William S. Ball to J.F. Graves regarding the settlement of the Surry Tobacco cases. letter, 1 sheet folded so there are 4 writting pages, Greensboro, North Carolina, March 18th, 1878Honorable J. F. Graves, Mt. Airy, North Carolina, Sir: I relation to the settlement of the Surry Tobacco cases, in which you are one of the counsel for the Defendants, I have the honor to make the following communication: Your clients, John M. Brower, C. W. Lewis, John L. Worth, Winston Fulton, W. M. Banner, J. M. Fulton, J. H. Fulton, William Hanner, R. P. Rawley, R. E. Reeves, M. C. Reeves, W. M. Cundiff, J. R. Gilmer, A. L. Porter, L. S. Marion, L. N. Marion, John R. Patterson, W. E. Patterson, Rufus Roberts and Madison Hines, as you of course, are aware made propositions of settlement to the proper authorities at Washington. The ?Commissioner of Internal Revenue instructs me to inform your clients that he has decided with the recommendation of the Honorable Attorney General and the advice and consent of the Honorable Secretary of the Treasury to accept of the said propositions, under the following modifications and conditions towith: The said sum of twelve thousand dollars to be fully and entirely paid before any portion of this compromise shall be operative, as also all the costs and expenses incident to all the said several suits and proceedings, wheter civil or crimmial, together with such reasonable fee to the Assistant District Attorney who has had charge of these several suits and conducted the prosecutions, as the Judge of the Court wherein the siad causes are pending shall certify to be just and reasonable; and provided also that the ?????ents Richard E. Reeves, Micajah C. Reeves, John M. Brower and John L. Worth, who, it appears were indicted under section 3375 R. S. shall come into Court and plead guilty thereto, in order that they may stand in the same position with the other defendents; and there??? the said crimmial proceedings are to stand continued for sentence, which is not to be moved or against either of the said defendants so long as he or they commitno further infractions of the law; the District understanding being and this compromise to be accepted by the said defendants upon this their understanding and consent that if they or either of them shall commit further infractions of the laws relating to internal revenue, then the government shall be at liberty to move for the sentences now suspended in their cases, respectively, no limit standing the payment of the money, which is inno case to be refunded." These terms must be accepted or rejected at the next term of the Court at Greensboro, beginning Monday the first day of April 1878. If accepted, the money, including costs and whatever fee may be allowed to the Assistant District Attorney, must be paid into Court, otherwise the cases will be proceeded with, as if no propositions had been made or considered. I would suggest that the earlier in the term the adjustment is made, if made at all, the less will be the costs, for the reason that if the cases are settled, the witnesses may then be ?disimped? I have no means of knowing what the amount of the costs or the fee will be. John W. Payne, Esq. Clerk of the Court, has been requested to make out the bills of costs so far incurred, which, I presume, he will furnish upon application. Yours ?????, William S. Ball, Appointed U. S. Attorney
  • List of Marriage Bonds and Birth/Death dates- Graves Family

    List of Marriage Bonds for the Graves family. notes on letterhead paper, letterhead paper - Office Of Robert L. Mitchelle, Clerk Superior Court, Caswell County, April Term - 4th Monday After 1st Monday In March, August Term - 2nd Monday Before 1st Monday In September, December Term - 13th Monday After 1st Monday in September, Yanceyville, North Carolina, 191?, written on paper - Marriage Bonds (500 ? Current), Solomon Graves, June 9, 1789, James Yancey, Ann Smith Brooks, Solomon Graves, Oct. 21, 1790, John Williams, Frances Lewis, ?Mariah? Graves, Apr. 19, 1790, Thomas Graves, Elizabeth Williams, Jacob Graves, Nancy Kimbrough, J?? Robinson, Jan. 6, 1792
  • Deed from James Graves to Porter Graves

    Deed from James Graves to Porter Graves. deed, this indenture Maid the twenty fifth day of January in the yearone thousand eight hundred and ten between - James Graves of the County of Surrey and state of North Carolina of the one part and Peter Graves of the County and state of foresaid of the other part witness that the said James Graves for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred an twenty five dollars current monney united states to him in hand paid by the said Peter Graves stand before the sealing and delivering ????? of the receipts where of is truly acknowledged hath given granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell and confirm unto the said Peter Graves his heirs Executors or assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of Land Its premises lying and being in the County of Surrey aforesaid containing one hundred and fifty acres Be the same more or less Beginning a ??? ??? is corner is a white oak running North six chains an twenty five links on said line to a stake ???? forteen chains an fifty links to a stake in ?Watons? line south on said line thirty chains and twenty five links to ?Waton? corner on a post oak east fifty four chains to ??inors?line North on said line twenty seven chains and To ??ins corner east on said line thirty chains to a stake North ????? chains to a stake in denneys own line and thence west to the beginning according to the plan Ret?? ??? there to may more fully approve granted to the said Samuel ?Denncy? by Excellencey ?Benjamin? Williams Esq Governor & be????ing dated Raleigh the fifth day of December 1801 to have and to hold the aforesaid one hundred and fifty acres of land bargained and sold as aforesaid With all singular the Rights privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anney wintessth portion???? unto him the said Peter Graves his heirs & assigns forever to his and them only ?property? benfits and ????? forever and the said James Graves doth by these presents ?consent and forever defend the aforesaid track of Land & primises is unto the said Peter Graves his heirs & an assigns against the claims of him the said James Graves his heirs Executors and all and every other person whatsoever is witnessth whe??? of the said James Graves Doth here unto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written, in the presents of us Edw B?????, A ???????, seal James Graves, on the front it says - James Graves Deed to Peter Graves, on the outside there is writing that has been marked out
  • Letter from Porter Graves to his wife

    Letter from Porter Graves to his wife recounting his trip to Sparta NC. letter, on letterhead stationary, Office of H. K. Boyer, Attorney-At-Law, Sparta, North Carolina, March 16, 1891, 4 pages of the letter and 1 envelope, letter - My Dear Wife, I reached Sparta this morning at half past ten o'clock having spent the night at a Mr. Roberts about twelve miles out and by the way they had the roughest fare I have had to tackle for many years. It was after dark when I rode up and after a brief conversation the old gentleman said "well if you can put up with our fare, light' and I dismounted, walked in and found no lights but from the fire. There were five children in the room and all had whooping cough. I ate cabbage, rye bread and coffee by the light of a pine torch held by the young hopeful, and after a few moments was shown to my bed in one corner of the "big house", as they called it by way of distinguishing it from the cook and dining room. Well, after the gentleman of the house and his good lady had retired, occupying a bed in the opposite corner of the room, they began talking to me, and we thus carried on a very entertaining conversation till I finally said good night, in less than three minutes, the old man began snoring, and where I did at length doze off, it was to dream of saw mills, Rail road accidents and tornados. We ate breakfast by day light, and for the first time saw the true condition of affairs; the knife and fork at my plate were as ?greasy? as though they had been boiled in lard. ????? ?????! But enough, How happened it that I stopped at such a place? well, as I was starting up the mountain I meet an acquaintance who told me that if I would turn off on a little ?by? path on top of the mountain, I could save at least three miles, and I turned! The ?sure? was about half an hour high where I reached the summit of the mountain where the path left the road; after travelling a few yards, I started down the side of the mountain, and the way became more ?precipitorus? as I advanced, and long before reaching the creekwhich flowed in the hollow I had to get down and lead, then I discovered another high peak in front, and had to walk all the way up and carry my saddlebags! It was now past sun down, and no sign of a house. Still I made on and on until finally I spied a light out on the side of the mountain and went to find out if I was on the right trail; the old woman said "yes, and I pushed forward, and at last came into the road leading to Sparta! By this time the moon was out, and I found myself in the stretch of flat woods called the "glades"' still a mile from any stopping place. When I reached a dwelling, I asked to spend the night, and the man regretted his inability to keep me on account of the dangerous sickness of his daughter, but assured me I could find confortable quarters at a Mr. ?????'s (Possibly I would have provailed on the man to take me in, had he not told me his name was McKnight!) ?On? rushing ?????'s I ?alloed and he came out to say that he had no feed for my horse, so I had to continue my journey! As I bade Mr. C???? good night he was kind enough to refer me to Mr. Roberts, and there I was taken in! From this I have learned a lesson; "Never take short cuts", unless I am more certain of the ending. I am now in a neatly furnished room. heated by an "open Franklin" stove, an improvement on my Wilkesboro apartment in this respect. Oue table is well supplied with all meats and seasonable vegetables, but no milk! Fever blisters in abundance. It is difficult just now to say when I can get home, not earlier than Friday or Saturday I fear and possibly not before Sunday! There are only three criminal cases for trial on the docket, but two of three are capital felonies, and about half a dozen civil cases ready to be heard. This is unquestionably the smallest Court Docket in the state. I am sure. Mrs. Boyer said she rather expected you with me, and regretted that you did not come, I told her a little about the mud and she then changed her mind about my supposed shabbiness in leaving you at home. I trust you are well and enjoying yourself. I added the last expression because I am in condition to have a high appreciation of comfort and enjoyment. Tired? yes - "Broke up"? Yes Bored? Yes Homesick? Worse than I have ever been. But for the ?company? this ?x?????? cold I carry with me furnishes, I think I would grow dispondent. I think however that I may find more co??????? associate for it is annoying me greatly to night. Now I must close, with warmest love, and best wishes for your happiness. I? affectionable, Porter, envelope - addressed to Mrs. S. P. Graves, Mount Airy, North Carolina, 2 cent stamp, postmarked Sparta