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Reid Family

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  • Reid Family File

    Reid family file
  • Reed-Reid Family File

    Reed-Reid family file from the Carlos P. Surratt Genealogy Room at Surry Community College
  • Viola Snow Reid

    Viola Snow Reid, daughter of - Mr. & Mrs. Winfield Snow, she was a nurse at Surry County Health Department, husband of Edwin E. Reid. "ask any man, woman, or child in Surry County (unless it is a very newcomer) if he or she knows Mrs. Viola Snow Reid and the answer is sure to be in the affirmative. And Mrs. Reid's friends about as numerous as are her acquaintances. Possessing a sunny, magnetic personality, Mrs. Reid wins and holds friends with little effort, In her work in the health clinics of Surry, she has an uncanny way of convincing children and even grown-ups that the prick of a needle in an inoculation, produces no pain. Mrs. Reid was reared at Dobson, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Snow. Following her graduation from Dobson High School, she pursued a three-year course in nursing at the General Hospital, Knoxville, Tenn. After graduation she engaged in private nursing in Mount /airy and Dobson for a year. She became interested in public health work and took a special course for one year in george peabody hospital, Nashille, Tenn., in preparation for the position with the Surry County Health Department which she has held for four and one half years. In her work as assistant to the county health officer, she weoks seven hours per day, six days in the week and loves it. Five days in the week are spent in the different clinics in the county. On Tuesday she is in the main office at Mount Airy. and whether it chances to be a school clinic, a pre-natal, a tubercular, a cripple clinic or what have you, the work is equally interesting to mrs. Reid. For recreation, she enjoys tennis, swimming and the movies. Her hobby is kodaking and amateur photography, and her collection of snapshots, developed in her own studio fills several albums. Mrs. Reid's home is at Dobson, her husband is Edwin E. Reid being successfully engaged in the mercantile business and other enterprises in the Surry county seat.
  • Joe Reid

    Joe Reid from Pilot Mountain, NC
  • photograph of Paulette Reid Quality Mills receptionist

    photograph of Paulette Reid Quality Mills receptionist
  • Interview with Paralee Reid Fentriss

    Interview done as part of an oral history project for Surry Historical Society. Prentiss, who is a white woman, recalls growing up in Pilot Mountain. Her father delivered coal for a living but often was not paid for it. Attended UNC-Chapel Hill for a semester but caught the flu and didn't go back. Husband was a civil engineer and they were married November 1930 right as the Depression was hitting North Carolina. Her husband's work took them up and down the east coast before they returned to Pilot Mountain when he joined the Civil Conservation Corps and then the Army. Her husband served in World War II and was gone for almost 5 years serving in Europe. The whole family moved to Japan in 1950 before returning to Pilot Mountain. Remembers the KKK threatening to come to Pilot Mountain at one point and her brother, a judge, putting a stop to that happening after a black woman alerted him to it. She remembers race relations in Pilot Mountain being good. After her husband died in 1961, she became a house counselor at Salem Academy. Interview is in two parts.
  • Susan Reid Bryant

    Photograph of Susan Reid Bryant (b. 1829- d. 1909)- Granny Draughn's mother- Eldora District